On this page we will post news and pictures about severe storms that occur in McHenry and surrounding counties.

June 30 Severe Storms and Funnel Cloud

Between approximately 1:45 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. on Monday June 30, 2014, there was a line of storms that came through McHenry and surrounding counties. Around 1:45 a.m. a storm chaser had reported a funnel cloud in NW Marengo a quarter of the way to the ground and around 2:15 a funnel cloud was reported in Crystal Lake near 176 by an Emergency Manager. Continuing on, around 2:15 an Emergency Manager in Crystal Lake reported trees about 6 in. in diameter blown down and another Emergency Manager in Crystal Lake reported trees about 3-5 feet in diameter split in half by the wind. Lastly, a CO-OP observer reported 1.95 inches of rain with the storm had passed.

April 12 Hail and Wind

On April 12, 2014 there were two super cell thunderstorms that formed over northeast Iowa and northwest Illinois that moved east instead of northeast because they were moving toward the right.  In Winnebago, Boone, and McHenry counties, the storms had dropped hail and some wind damage. The hail had reached 2" in diameter in parts of Boone, McHenry, and Cook counties before moving off shore on lake Michigan around 12:00 P.M. Now, only two days later, snow has covered the area and the temperatures have fallen.  This goes to show, in Chicago land, you never know what to expect from Mother Nature.

For more information on this event and to see hail reports submitted from trained spotters, emergency management personnel, and the public, please visit the NWS Chicago page by clicking


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Website Material © McHenry County Storm Trackers & others.